
Blue Flag since 2014!

At the beginning of May, the Sport- und Ferienpark Worriken received its Blue Flag certificate for the 11th time.

Sports and holiday park Worriken raises blue flag.

Blue Flag since 2014!

At the beginning of May, the Sport- und Ferienpark Worriken received its Blue Flag certificate for the 11th time. Blue Flag is a label managed by GoodPlanet that is awarded to sites that excel in sustainability and quality.

What is Blue Flag?

The international Blue Flag quality label rewards sites who not only guarantee excellent water quality, ensure safety through the presence of lifeguards and a first aid post and have clean toilets, but who also make extra efforts in the areas of awareness-raising and education, separate waste sorting and accessibility. Thus, through the Blue Flag, tourists immediately recognise places that pay attention to people and nature.

Importance of biodiversity at beaches and water

The dynamic ecosystems along Belgium’s beaches and marinas not only form cosy stopping places and breathtaking landscapes, but also play a vital role in maintaining the health of our planet and the well-being of the communities living around it. The great diversity of plants, animals and organisms that inhabit these environments is undeniable: they are crucial for balancing nature, filtering water, promoting soil fertility and providing food and shelter for countless species, including endangered ones.